Use of Club Equipment

The club owns a full range of SCUBA equipment for the purpose of training up to Sports Diver level.

  • Trainees have free use of club kit for training up to Sports Diver level, while supervised by an instructor.
  • Kit may only be issued to trainees by a member of the committee, an instructor, or by someone nominated by them to do so.
  • Club members use club kit at their own risk and must return it in safe condition.
  • The Diving Officer's decision is final on all matters.


Equipment taken away from the club on a Friday evening for training outside must be returned by 7.00pm the following Friday evening to allow for cylinders to be filled and kit prepared for use in the pool. Kit may not be available to take away until 9.00pm on a Friday evening if it is being used for pool training.


We have our own air compressor rated to 300 bar providing clean air.

Club members can get their cylinders filled free of charge every Friday night provided the cylinders arrive by 7.30pm. Only cylinders bearing appropriate and up to date markings showing manufacturing standard, working pressure and date of testing will be filled. Cylinders should also be labeled with a contents label.

For further information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.